Ishmael's Knowledge Network

Ish's, Ishmael's, Knowledge Network: dandyfunk blogs, web sites

radioactive dye that promises to be a powerful new tool for penetrating the mysteries of AlZ

Detecting Alzheimer's - Radioactive Tracer Can Help - AARP Bulletin
At an international conference on Alzheimer's disease in Honolulu yesterday, a small Philadelphia-based company presented data on a radioactive dye that promises to be a powerful new tool for penetrating the mysteries of the disease.

BedCane Bed Rail

BedCane Bed Rail, Daily Living Aids - Allegro Medical Supplies
The BedCane Bed Rail is made of durable steel and wood components providing sturdy support when getting into bed.

Shopping for a handicap van

Handicap Van : Shop Online for a Handicap Van Conversion :
Shopping for a handicap van can be a daunting and overwhelming task. It helps to stop and consider all of your needs before jumping into a possibly expensive mistake. Before you buy a handicap van, you may want to have a disabled driver evaluation done. This helps to determine your driving modification needs.

AFA Teens for Alzheimer’s Awareness the official teenage branch of the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America

AFA Teens
AFA Teens for Alzheimer’s Awareness the official teenage branch of the
Alzheimer’s Foundation of America

Founded in 2002 by a teenager, AFA Teens seeks to mobilize teenagers nationwide to raise awareness of Alzheimer's disease and to engage teenagers in the cause. It is aimed at teens with family members affected by the disease and those purely interested in the cause.

AFA Teens’ dedicated Web site creates an online community for teens, giving them support from experts and the opportunity to share experiences and connect with each other through a bulletin board and blog.